
Monday 20 April 2020

Monster Interview template

On April 20th of 2020 a whole group of monsters were going to have a party. It would be the best party in my school. So all of my friend's went to the shops after school we got party streamers and balloons and some plates and cups. We got a lot of mountain juices and some chips and lollies.

We went to my house and set it all up. It looked amazing that night me and my friends had a sleepover and we made invites. The next day we went to monster school and gave the invites to our friend and some other kids. When school was finished we were all excited because it was one more sleep till the party. So we all went to sleep. The next day everyone was talking about how excited they were for the party.

After school we all dressed up for the party at 6:00pm everyone was here at my house the music was pumping and everyone was dancing we had a couple of games we had limbo and some chest game a dance off and some prizes to win it was amazing but the party finished at 8:00pm that was when my mum and dad come back home. At Least we had a lot of fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gabby, Great monster party story. I would have loved to see Mum and Dads faces when they got home to see the party at there house. Your story encourages the reader to want to see what happens at the end of the adventure. Your working hard online producing heaps of interesting writing, interviews and drawings, keep it up.
    From Mrs Forbes
