
Thursday 25 March 2021

home work 2021

 Look out for the fitzgeraled trouts



it was a cold and raniny day they were stuck in side the car playing

sorry (it's a game). they had a list when these day happend they would find a house or get groceries or Do laundry or be nice to toby, that was it they wanted to do the laundry, i know it sounds boring but they actually like to go Rain on car window - YouTubebecause there is a vending machine wich was nowen to malfunction but if you gave it a push it would come done, there was also a tv. It was cold out side so it was really nice to do the landry becauose it was warm inside. the man who owend the landry mat was could Mr. Knuckles he had a lot of tattoes. A few minues later toby singed up for a compution. they were watching it on the tv at the landry mat but then it got intor rupted by the police and said that a lady got arested for staeling 100,00 dollar. the kids looked around and they all had a feeling that they new who it was it was the mother their mean mother. 

i Predict that they are going to have their mothers big houes and that toby is going to win the comption 

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