
Friday, 24 August 2018

The Race

The woman was running to the finish line. She was crawling to be first. The polpel was tacking over her but she did not give up and she got there in time .

richie mccaw game

The All Blacks are so proud of themselves doing the Haka.
As they stood mana millions and millions of people cheered for them well richie mccaw was leading the team.
With the most fierce pokana to finch the haka the crowd went willd.

Thursday, 23 August 2018

The All Blacks

The All Blacks are so proud of themselves doing the Hakka.

As they stood with mana millions and millions of people cheered for
them  well Richie mccaw was leading the team.With the most fierce pokana to finch the haka the crowd what wild.   

The weight lifter

The athlete had so much confidence, but she wasn't ready to lift the big weight . Suddenly she sank to the ground screaming in agony.